Annual Meeting
78th Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN – December 11-14, 2023
Annual Meeting Program – Nov 27, 2023
Download the app for iOS or on the Google Play Store
Call for Papers
Titles Submissions: September 15
Abstract Submissions: November 1
Oral, Poster and Videos Presentation Submissions: December 1
The site is open for submissions.
Visit to submit.
The Annual Meeting page on the NCWSS website ( has been updated to include all information concerning the meeting, as well as instructions for submissions. Graduate student video contest participants are required to submit titles, abstracts and video on the same submission timelines as the oral presentations and posters.
Note: Graduate student video contest participants are required to submit titles, abstracts and video on the same submission timelines as the oral presentations and posters.
***Attention Students & Advisors – New in 2023***
Paper, Poster & Video Student Contest Grading Rubrics have been updated to include an additional 10 points for on-time submission of Title, Abstract, and poster/presentation/video. Failure to meet the deadline for any of the three key submission dates results in complete loss of 10 points. Full 10 points will only be rewarded if all three submission deadlines are met. Students – be proactive and begin communication early with potential co-authors & your advisor to ensure you do not miss out on these easy 10 points!!
Updated grading rubrics can be found here.
2023 NCWSS Oral Presentation Contest Score Sheet
2023 NCWSS Poster Contest Score Sheet
NCWSS Student Video Contest Grading Rubric 2023
Questions please contact Nick Arneson, Resident Education Committee Chair at [email protected] or 402-676-1618
Mark Your Calendar for Key Dates for
2023 NCWSS Meeting
NCWSS is looking forward to our meeting Monday, December 11 through Thursday, December 14, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency in beautiful downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. Registration is now open. Students will have opportunity to tour the Land O’Lakes Research Facility beginning Monday afternoon. We also have arranged for many networking opportunities to occur earlier in the meeting so there is ample time to connect with colleagues during our time together. The Women in Weed Science breakfast is open to all and will be Tuesday morning. Two symposia focusing on the next generation of scientists will take place on Wednesday, with the new format for Industry Breakfast with Updates to follow Thursday morning. Be sure to mark your calendars with key dates for our 2023 NCWSS Meeting: Submissions of titles for oral, poster, and video presentations open August 15th and closes September 15th. Abstract submissions are due November 1. Oral presentations and student contest posters and student videos must also be submitted by December 1st.
Check for updates and more details at
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Dawn Refsell
NCWSS Program Chair
NCWSS Abstracts
Abstracts for the 2023 NCWSS Annual Society Meeting are due on November 1, 2023. It is important that all paper and poster submissions provide an abstract to be published in the Proceedings which will serve as a future reference for the weed science community. Below is a simple list of guidelines authors must follow when submitting abstracts for paper and poster presentations.
- Limit abstract length to 500 words.
- Report all units in SI units (metric).
- Use exponents to express units of measure, e.g. kg ha-1.
- Do not include references to literature in the abstract.
- At first mention for each species, use complete scientific names with abbreviated authority, e.g. henbit (Lamium amplexicaule L.)
- For herbicides, other pesticides, and adjuvants avoid trade names when possible and use common names, e.g. glyphosate.
If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact the NCWSS Proceedings Editor, Karla Gage, ([email protected])
Student Paper, Poster, and Video Contest
to Title/Abstract Submission Site
Go to the title/abstract submission website ( hosted through WSSA. You will need your login (email address) and password for your account or create your own new account if you have not done so previously. Select the Enter button for the 2023 NCWSS link under upcoming conferences.
SUBMIT TITLE (deadline Friday, September 15, 2023)
Create or edit your profile; be sure to confirm your contact information is correct. Proceed to the My Titles and Abstracts link. Follow the site’s instructions for submission. For your affiliation, use the commonly accepted name. Capitalize only major words in the title as indicated in the instructions. Do not include any quotation marks or punctuation in the title. Make sure you have all the appropriate authors added (for example, your advisor).
Students: It is very important that you answer the question, “Are you a student?” and the following questions regarding participation in the student contest.
Failure to answer the questions will result in you not being in the student contest.
Presentation Type:
Use the dropdown menu to indicate what type of presentation you will be giving: Oral paper, Poster, Symposium, or General Session.
Topic Sections:
Use the dropdown menu to select the top two choices for your topic section.
Use the dropdown menu to select authors from the pre-populated list. If an author does not appear on the list, please use the new author function. You will be able to reorder the authors and select the presenting author from this section.
Save and Submit:
Once you are done entering your title, please hit the Save and Submit button. From there you will be taken the Permission to Post the Presentation page.
Permission to Post the Presentation:
Please indicate if you are willing to allow a PDF version of your poster or oral presentation slides to be posted to the NCWSS website and hit submit. The default setting is set to no. All titles must be submitted by September 15, 2023. Do not wait until the last moment!
Note: You can make changes to your information before the submission date, but not after the deadline. Request for changes after deadlines will result in a failure to meet submission deadlines and a loss of 10 points on your grading rubric.
SUBMIT ABSTRACT (deadline November 1, 2023)
Sign into your account as you did previously for the title submission. Click on the link to submit an abstract. Scroll down to the abstract part of the window and click anywhere in the area designated to hold the abstract. Cut and paste your abstract into the box provided. Develop an abstract in a word processing program. There is no need to include the title or authors in the “cut and paste” portion since the correct information has been already entered. We recommend that you make all changes prior to pasting into the submission form.
NOTE: If you make any changes to the title or authors, please email both the section chair and program chair (Dawn Refsell at [email protected] ) to alert us about the change.
Paper Presentations and Presentation Format
All papers will be presented in PowerPoint format through a projector and must be uploaded to the Submission website by December 1. Presentations are approximately 12 minutes long followed by one to two minutes for questions or comments to fit a 15-minute schedule. Contact the Program Chair if more time is needed. Abstracts of the paper and poster presentations will be published on the NCWSS website ( Abstracts should be submitted electronically via the Title/Abstract Submission website prior to the meeting (by November 1, 2023). A Call for Abstracts and Instructions for Submitting the Abstracts will be sent to the corresponding authors by the Proceedings Editor after titles are submitted.
2023 NCWSS Oral Presentation Contest Score Sheet
Poster Presentation Format
Posters will be set up on Monday, December 11 and available for viewing on Tuesday and Wednesday. All posters should be removed by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. One poster mounting board supported on an easel will be provided by the NCWSS, with 2 posters fitting on each side. Poster size is 42 by 48 inches. Posters will be arranged according to subject, so please indicate your section preference in the title/Abstract Submission system linked to the NCWSS website. Additional details will be mailed to each poster session participant following title submission.
2023 NCWSS Poster Contest Score Sheet
Video Presentation Format
All videos will be presented as MP4 files through an LCD projector. Videos will be limited to MP4 files and need to be uploaded by December 1. Each Video will be presented during the Extension Section. Videos should be prepared in a professional manner and approved by student’s faculty advisor. Videos will be limited to 5 minutes (2.5 minute minimum) and will be judged based on the grading rubric available here – NCWSS Student Video Contest Grading Rubric 2023. Videos should include the presenting student on-screen as this will be reflected in the evaluation process to select the winners. There will be three categories:
- Research category video submissions should be targeted toward scientific professionals in the weed science field.
- Extension/Education submissions should be targeted toward agricultural/horticultural professional audiences (growers, consultants, other clientele). Focus should be placed on educational outreach using research-based data to support the message.
- Project Proposal is available to first-year students only and submissions should be targeted toward scientific professionals in the weed science field. Focus should be on background and justification/need for the research highlighted.
Each contestant can enter one video per category. Only first-year students are allowed to participate in the Project Proposal category. First place winners of previous video contest categories are not allowed to compete in the same category in the current year video contest. The exception to this rule would be PhD students who received first place as an MS student can submit to any category. Videos may not exceed four PowerPoint slides (or animations) for materials & methods, supplemental information, and visual aids. Use of the same data set for the video and either the paper or poster contests will result in disqualification from all contests.
NCWSS Student Extension Video Contest
Nathan Drewitz, Extension Chair
The NCWSS Extension Committee is excited to host the student video contest at the 2023 Annual Meeting in December in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This contest is designed to provide opportunities for students to gain experience creating Extension video productions. Short minimally produced videos have become a popular method for reaching a wider range of Extension audiences on social media platforms. This contest provides a unique opportunity to compete and experience producing video content for these emerging communications platforms.
We will be looking for video content that fits under the Extension Education umbrella. This includes videos for all potential social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). The contestant should be engaged and/or on screen throughout the video. Videos must not exceed 4 PowerPoint slides (or animations). Field, greenhouse, and laboratory settings are encouraged. Submissions should be targeted towards agricultural or horticultural professional audiences (growers, consultants, etc.). Focus should be placed on Extension education or outreach using research-based data and information to support the message. Videos should be prepared in a professional manner and approved by the student’s faculty advisor. Videos will be limited to 5 minutes maximum. Nic Arneson formerly of the UW Madison Weed Science Team put together an ARC GIS Story map ( for producing Extension weed science videos. We also have a recording of the live video production workshop specific to the contest which can still be accessed here. Both resources provide helpful tips, video editing resources, and previous video contest winning videos as examples. As these videos are produced, we also would encourage their use for Extension educational efforts. Once they are posted please email [email protected] so we can share them with the society.
Past video contest winners cannot submit if they have received first place during their time of study. Exceptions: PhD students who received first place in any of the previous video categories as an MS student can compete. Videos will be judged by the Extension Committee. All videos will be played during the Extension Session at the 2023 Annual Meeting in December.
NOTE: Video submission process will require Title and Abstract submissions. Titles are due September 15th, 2023. Abstracts are due November 1st, 2023. Abstract serves as the video description you might use for the publishing website – 100 words max. The title would serve as the primary title of the video.
The final video file (mp4 format) will be due December 1st 2023.
Failure to meet any of the 3 submission deadlines on-time will result in loss of 10 points from final score.
Questions can be directed to Nathan Drewitz at [email protected]
All reservations must be made, modified or canceled individually through Hotel’s Reservation Department by calling (612) 370-1234 or 877-803-7534, or by logging on to and in each case referring to Group, Event name, or Event code. Reservations may also be made directly via:
Reservations for rooms accessible to guests with disabilities may be made in the same manner. Reservations must be made on or before November 17, 2023.
Thank you to everyone who attended the 77th Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO!
2022 NCWSS Proceedings
Mark your calendars! Future Meetings of the Society
December 11-14, 2023, Minneapolis, MN
December 8-12, 2024, Kansas City, MO
December 15-18, 2025, Grand Rapids, MI
Thank you to everyone who attended the 76th Annual Meeting!
The NCWSS 76th Annual Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan was a success! You can find a copy of the final program, a link to the Proceedings page, and our collection of photos captured at the event.